Introducing the new Living Onwards Podcast!

Welcome to the all-new Living Onwards podcast! If you haven’t already, please listen to the episode itself. You can play it here in the player towards the bottom of this page, or on our Podbean host on the episode page there.

As you’ll hear in the episode there will be a Living Onwards podcast episode released every week. This website is a ‘beyond the episode’ conversation where each episode will be embedded and a larger conversation started. Each of the podcast platforms has their own routes to engage with eachother, and I will be present in all that offer them. Here, though, I will share more about the topic than I will ever get to share in the podcast itself. So please do subscribe on whatever platform you listen to podcasts, but consider subscribing here so that you can see not only the episode but also the blog post to go with it.

In this episode, I introduce what this podcast is about and why you should join us! First of all, let me introduce myself. I am your host, Sarah, and I have a beautiful adult daughter, two cats who run the house, and a dog who does her best not to be managed by the cats. I work full-time. You might wonder why I shared this information with you so upfront, but let me explain why I thought that was important. In addition to all of that, I am a widow who lost my husband in January 2024 to cancer after a ten-year battle together. We were a cancer family, and losing him was devastating. That said, long before we lost Carlos, I grieved the loss of normality in our lives, the loss of a future, and the constant changes to reality cancer brought. So, my point is this podcast is brought to reality by me, someone who is grieving and has grieved, by someone who legitimately is trying to figure out how to go about living onwards herself. Is this podcast about money? No. Is this podcast about cancer or losing someone to cancer? No. Is this podcast about losing a pet type of grief? No, although I love my furbabies and have lost those, too, over the years. This podcast is for me to share our story, hear others' stories, and learn together about how to move forward and not on. 

This podcast is intended to be a space where I can bring others who are grieving the loss of a loved one together to share stories of grief journeys so that we all can gain strength from knowing we are not alone and gain faith we can do this! If you are looking for inspiration in your journey or tips on navigating life’s challenges caused by grief, the Living Onwards podcast is intended to be part of your story in doing so. This podcast intends to offer a unique blend of support and encouragement for you and eachother. By tuning in, you’ll discover others going through the grief journey just as you are and find tidbits that help with your path toward Living Onwards.

Can we be honest with each other, though? Grief is hard. Grief sucks, it's not fair, it hurts, it's something you have to do, but no one wants to face it. It’s the human condition, death, and loss. Tough topics may come up in these episodes and our blog discussions, but the focus will always be on how to use those experiences to focus on living onwards. We are not moving on; we are moving forward together. Might we cry together when a topic or story comes up? I bet that’ll happen, but the tears are always waiting anyway, aren’t they? I always feel that when they happen, it means it’s a subject I need to grieve over to move forward from that specific subject. Or, perhaps my reaction won’t be so raw when the topic comes up again. I’m sure you’ve encountered what they call ‘The Firsts’ yourself. I also intend for there to be laughter, where it belongs, of course.

The Living Onwards Podcast is available on all major podcast platforms, including Apple, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. Search for "Living Onwards" and hit the subscribe button to stay updated on new episodes. You can also listen to episodes directly on our website at LivingOnwards.Com. If you join us on the website, you’ll find that each episode has a blog article where I’ll share more thoughts on the episode's topic and links I might have mentioned in the podcast or found interesting. More importantly, you can comment on the episodes and engage with me and others on this journey. There is also a form on the Contact Us page where you can contact me. If you have a topic to suggest for a future episode or would like to join us to share your grief journey and tell us about your loved one, that form is a great place to start that conversation.

As I wrap up here, I want to thank you for listening and sharing that I intend for the Living Onwards Podcast to be a beacon of hope and encouragement for those navigating the journey of grief and mourning. This podcast is a safe space of no judgment for all types of grief stemming from the loss of a loved one. I hope that you find solace in knowing that you are not alone on your path toward living onwards after your loss. 

The Living Onwards Podcast is available on all major podcast platforms, including Apple, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. Search for "Living Onwards" and hit the subscribe button to stay updated on new episodes. You can always listen to episodes directly on this website. Here we will always have a blog article expanding on the episode’s topic with notes and links to anything I might find interesting about the topic. More importantly, you can comment on the episodes and engage with me and others on this journey. There is also a form on the Contact Us page where you can contact me. If you have a topic to suggest for a future episode or would like to share your grief journey and tell others about your loved one, that form is a great place to start that conversation.

Listen to the Introduction Podcast today! Released June 12th, 2024.

Have any comments? Share them with us, and if you have topic ideas or would like to share your story in a future episode use the form in the contact us page.


As the host of Living Onwards, podcast and site, I am working full time, a mother of one beautiful adult daughter, a pet to two cats and a dog, and a widow grieving the loss of her husband Carlos. I can be all of these things at once, happy and sad.

I hope to share my stories and meet others so they can share theirs with all of us as well.


S1 Ep 2 Cancer?! That wasn’t in plan