Podcast Episodes Sarah Podcast Episodes Sarah

S1 Ep 4 Five Stages of Denial

When faced with the loss of a loved one, it's common to experience denial as the first stage of grief. Denial acts as a protective shield, cushioning us from the harsh reality of our emotions. It's like our mind's way of gently breaking the news to our hearts. Minimization, avoidance, intellectualization, projection, and isolation, are the five forms of denial.

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Podcast Episodes Sarah Podcast Episodes Sarah

S1 Ep 3 Moving forward, not on

When I lost Carlos I cycled through all the stages of grief, except acceptance. I don’t even believe in the stages of grief because stages imply there’s an order and a structure to grief. Grief tosses all plans, assumptions, and logic right out the window. It doesn’t care who you are, what you need today, or why you need it. In this episode, I acknowledge that reality and talk about ways we can move forward and not on. This podcast is for those of us trying to figure out how to do the impossible: grieve and living onwards while doing it.

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Podcast Episodes Sarah Podcast Episodes Sarah

S1 Ep2 Cancer?! That wasn’t in plan

Life threw us a curveball when my husband, Carlos, was diagnosed with cancer, and our world turned upside down. In this episode, I open up about the shock and emotions of receiving a cancer diagnosis, and how we coped with the unexpected news. From navigating the challenges of caregiving to finding hope amidst the chaos, I share our experiences and the resilience we discovered along the way.

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